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FULL DAY registration includes admission to morning education sessions, general session, and exhibit hall. Lunch on the trade show floor is also included.

TRADE SHOW ONLY registration includes admission to exhibit hall. Lunch on the trade show floor is included.

Eligibility: Admission to the exhibit hall is open to meeting planners and association professionals only. This ensures a high buyer/seller ratio. Non-exhibiting service providers may not enter the exhibit hall. No one under the age of 18 will be admitted to the Exhibit Hall.



Showcase MEMBER Fees Through May 21 Through November 13 May 14 through On-Site
Full Day $50 $75 $90
Trade Show Only $25 $25 $30
Education Sessions Only $50 $50 $60


NON-MEMBER Fees Through May 21 Through November 13 May 14 through On-Site
Full Day $65 $90 $105
Trade Show Only $30 $30 $35
Education Sessions Only $60 $60 $70