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Welcome Panel Member!

Thank you for participating on the 2016 eShow Showcase Conference Seminar Panels. We are excited to know that talented and accomplished individuals from diverse backgrounds and industries will facilitate our seminars.
For this conference, we will be using the e-show registration site to convey information, store presentations, and to connect panel members. In this email, you will find the link to the speaker site, your username and your password that will allow you to log into the site.
Profile/Session Info:
Once you log in, you will have access to your profile. Your name and email address will be prepopulated for you. You will have the ability to update your bio (limit to 500 words), photo (jpeg or giff) and title. Please update this information when you log in.
Also, you will have access to your session page. Here you can upload your final presentation. Remember that the final presentation is due to be uploaded no later than September 14th. Please limit your presentation to 5 MB. To Upload your handouts for attendees, click on “Upload Handouts for Attendees” tab.

On this site, you will have access to Speaker FAQs, Speaker Checklist, and the conference PowerPoint Template to be used for presentations

Speaker Registration:

Each panel member must register for the conference in order to receive a badge or conference pass. You may register by clicking on “Speaker Registration” tab:

Once you enter the registration process, panel members will be able to register for both ticketed and non-ticketed events. For those who are attending tickted events, you may use the following code to receive a 25% discount off of the conference registration costs. “WPANEL2016” 

If you are not attending ticketed events, continue through the registration process and select the non-ticketed events in which you will attend. For those panel members who are only participating on the seminar panels, please select the seminars that you will be attending. 

If you have any questions, please email Show Management at or telephone at 847-420-4200.

You are key to our success! 
Show Management